Monday, October 4, 2010

Nearly reaching a Yeaar?

personally i think that making my blog into a diary is a huge mistake cos diary are suppose to be your only secret and...the ur the only one who reads it. so.... i gotta bcareful on wad i write n prevent my secrets from lurking out.

so... this semester is gonna be my last sem for my first year in bachelor of psych hons... next year is gonna b tough cos its year 2! and what happens in year 2 is they will start counting ur real CGPA~ which is a fear for me n duh--- no1 wants to get a bad cert right...

n uh... in coll... we can meet many types of people..such as.. annoying ones.. teacher's pet.... quiet ones (someone like me) then... extroverts.... outgoing people... n oh yeah... i found out that HELP has their own CC which is made by the students there... it's actually wasnt meant for students to play dota there but nobody jaga that com lab. so students could just misuse the facility provided...yeah.. so i was one of them obviously..

enough of computer labs... so yeah... i did a career test thingy n i think that resuly may hav a problem.. or mayb i had a problem myself cos... for some1 to study psych... one needs to b someone who understands humanity n so on.... n the score i get for humanitarianism is only....2... LOL this is funny- cos i think.... for someone like me who scored this low... either they hav chosen the wrong course.. or maybe something else.. i dont know.... this is so confusing...or mayb i made myself feel complicated just for fun? haha~ if so.. then im just being lame---

..........10 minutes had passed and i wrote another paragraph after the career test thingy.. it's bout my personal life.. n i deleted it cos.. some1 else might read it n might think otherwise. so.. that's y i love to keep all my personal problems n feelings to myself cos i think other ppl may nt help much but all they get is the 'info for being 8'

Sunday, November 29, 2009

my life will go on

2 more weeks till finals.
all the assignments are done...
i sucks because in one of the ass i dint really contribute on the group thingy.
i did wad they told me too but it's still wrong. so they end up doing my part.
lol how dumb can i be.

oh whatever. i should have a habit of studying but i dont! from young i m used to last minute shit. now see what have i brought to myself. sucky work average results. i deserve it. Yeah. i do.

who cares??? no one does.

there are many commotion lately.
many distractions here and there. i tried to control but i just blew it.
song mou??!

last few days ard 1-2 am.the time whre im most blur and high... that time i got bored and i drew some awful figure. disgusting display... choi.... touch wood... i hope it wont come true.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My weekend

In College-
We followed Tues timetable...
I hate Tuesday.. cos my class starts at 8am
In addition to that, it's Business class.
I hated it.
So what made my morning went well was..
I joined my friend's ECP class....
It was my Ex-Micro lecturer.
Boy, was her tummy getting bigger!
Impressive. No?
Oh yeah, it's a baby girl!
How sweeeettt!!
After 3 hours later; 2 class ended, I went to Macro
LOL Mr Alex asked us to choose wether lecture or video.
Duh..we chose video.
Well it's Basically related to econs.
It's quite interesting though.

Oh yeah. I get to choose where we're having dinner tonight!
So I suggested somewhere in Kajang.
Nice food, reasonable price =D
When we got back, something happened.
I don't think that I wanna mention it, except for

6 Hours theory-

Yup, you've guessed it.
I went for the 6 hours long bloody stupid unreasonable theory!
Yea yea-... so what?
So.. those ppl there are just wasting my time!
Talking nonsense and lame jokes where I don't find humor in it.
I think is that all they want is to fulfill their 6 hours time.
If it wasn't for that reason, I would be back by 1pm instead of 3.30pm.
It's very tiring thing for me.. T-T
Worse still, it's hot there!

Another Drama-'s a same case as yesterday.
I better not mention it.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Enjoyment after quiz?

yup.. quiz 1 just ended today.. hmmm i think my sis n i always go to mv every fri... i think it has been a routine for us adi... well... cant blame us cos we had so much activities to do today we went to watch a movie called A Perfect Getaway..i duno y but i think i like twisted movies more than horror... i also enjoy thrillers too... Lol- the starting of this movie may cause dizziness cos .... well... u watch adi then u know... overal it's a "worth ur money" kinda movie. i dont think that final destination 4 is worth that much cos..... it's a "back to square one" type of wad's the point of watching that? lol we watch perfect getaway with dad... whoa... bsides a good story line.. this movie has good looking girl and guys... Expecially GUY. lol..
so 2 days earlier i saw a MV in MTV...
duh.. it's The Fray Heartless... well its obvious that they took it from kanye...
seriously i prefer the fray cos they made it so emo....
i feel sad for that guy in the vid cos it reminds me of some1 i knew..
too bad too sad.

the lyrics goes like this
In the night i hear'em talk
The coldest story ever told,
somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul
To a woman so heartless.......
How could you be so heartless...
........emoing now....

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Girls Shopping!

ho ho hooo...
today all of us girls went to MV to do our shopping... this includes mom, both my sis and ME.. duh- It is obvious that it is not a good time to go shopping on the eve of Merdeka... u know... muslim ppl r fasting so mayb they r too they went to shopping to waste their time. forget bout them! so we went to mv at 2pm... it's already expected that it wud b hard to look for a parking space, but thanked god that we found one nice space at A. nearby the walkalator. nice... so when we went was load of PPL! GAWD! it's crowded!!! woolala.... i saw many ppl wearing a mask. little do they know that mask wont help them much cos virus/bacteria r so minute that even the mask couldn't filter it. they wear mask for wad...i dont get it... i think that they wanna built their self confidence by thinking that mask could save them from H1n1. lol my dad pronounce it as hini. swt..=_='' so today mom bought me a new pair of sneaker. i love it!! i'll wear it to Bali and to college cos it's co comfy!! mom bought a shoe herself. same reason, she buy it to wear it to Bali!! omg.. .i cant believe it!! we're going there!! i sure gonna take alot of pics. every corner i turn i'll snap! every step i take i'll SNAP! i cant imagine how would it looks and feels like there... hope i could find hot guys with abs...hehehehe

merdeka eve~

random Title...but is the merdeka eve. so.. i dont think that i'll b having any plans for these days...except for preparing to go to BaLI! it's this coming tuesday, 1st sept!! yay! ph yeah.. yesterday i slept at 4 am.. i duno y.. but i cant i log on the internet and search for pictures... i search for my current playing game, Monster Hunter Freedom U.

This monster is called Rathalos...

lol. random picture related to the game. the pic is bout the hunter is trying to slay rathalos but it tries to fly away. lol "screw you it says"

this is a felyne. helps us to hunt and gather stuff

felyne chef =D

Hunter's helper



my hunter wearing Tigrex armor
another armor which i forgot the name of the monster.

Friday, August 21, 2009

MIssion Accomplished!

I've completed GTA IV.

On the final stage, i had to play like more than 10 times to complete it. i wore their country's landmark T-Shirt, Happiness is.....Land. LOL

You can see that the guy is wearing a shirt... i knw its nt clear cos he's moving.. LOL...

GTA IV is quite nice but..
the ending is not a happy one..
there's 2 choices for u to choose...
1st is His cousin, Roman, die
2nd is his GF, Kate DIE
so more or less.. one of his close ones must die.
You choose.
well i tried choosing both..
i found out that Niko is more sad n depressed when his cousin died..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


once again... i manage to skip another moral class..
today presentation was premarital sex!!
it's an interesting topic....but... im so so lazy...
wow... if any1 wants to come to HELP...
you might consider to ask yourself again..
firstly...are you afraid of cockroaches?
secondly... are you afraid of rats?
thirdly...will you have SAD?
fourthly... it's for YOU who are interested in foundations ONLY.
so... as i mentioned earlier in the first question..
i saw a dead cockroach at the stairs opposite of the bookstore and admin.
that time when i saw the dead poor thing.. it was 8 am..
the shape was still fine..
around 11am something.. it changes shape..
it turned FLAT ____
omg... it looks horrible..
so... we were heading for lunch that time..
when we got back around 12 something...
whoa.. the little thing's corpse had been moved by someone..
goodness... these people dont even look when they walk...
i seriously pity the little thing cos it cant rest in peace.
so anyway... i come back ard 330...usually it will b 5...but since i skipped moral...hehehe
so..val val waited me at Giant.. with baby Qina.. lol
she's forever cute... for sure...
oh well.. next week gotta be hectic for me... got eng presentation
....n have to hand in my 2nd reflective writing.
the week after i'll have CTS presentation..hmm.. i m not sure when is micro..
haah i have check again...>.<"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

tuesday lor~~

walao eh....
HELP's theater room is bloody cold...
*Almost everyone there were frozen... lol
...i dun usually get cold that fast... but duno y today my hands were as cold as holding a bag of ice cubes~~
im gonna start my work in another 10 minutes..(argument essay..)
im soooo pointless right now...
duno shud i do Q 1 2 or 3...
i need motivation!!!
oh yeah..another 3 weeks ... 2nd sem will be over!!
...n i cant wait for sept 1st...
hmmm im listening to BEP_i gotta feeling..
lol..whenever i listen to this song...
i felt like sleeping... lol..
*that tonight gonna be a good night~
good good night... wuu huu~...
what Q should i do...
im out of ideas...
should i choose the internet..or traffic... or health..?
hmmm OH LORD!! U shall be my guidance.
recently i saw p!nk's new vid..funhouse
BOY! how i love her mowhawk HAIR!
she has the features that i don have... that's too bad..
mat salleh hav those features that no matter wad kinda hairstyle...
they sure gonna fit in it... sigh... asian features only fit brown hair, maroon red,..bla bla dark colour
but no light colour...
jeez... how i LOVE paramore's RED HEAD!
tht's so cool.... it looks like my maple avatar...AbbyC... i miss her.. X_x
1 more minutes till i start on my essay..
all the best for me? *_0

Monday, July 13, 2009

YAY, it's week 11

3 more weeks to go!!
damn it.. this week is the Most hectic week that i hav this sem...
wednesday i have to hand in my argumentative essay
thursday got cts quiz
friday got MICRO quiz!!
shit..i have to start now.... if not....KA-BOOM!